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Pieces of the Church

Casket of Apennine history


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Where is


71010 San Paolo di Civitate FG, Italia (188m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Pezze della chiesa is the locality of San Paolo di Civitate the scene of several historical settings including the area of ancient Teanum Apulum, the Latin name for the Daunian settlement (with clear Osco-Samnite influences) of Tiati and the Chapel of the Madonna di Belmonte, a key stop along the Tratturo Magno route.

Why it is special

The setting of Pezze della Chiesa is truly a place of rare beauty and suggestion. The area, in fact, connects two towns along the Tratturo Magno: Belmonte del Sannio in Molise and San Paolo di Civitate, twinned precisely in the name of this ancient link. It seems, in fact, that Abruzzi shepherds on transhumance used to bring a picture of the Madonna of Belmonte to the Chapel of Pezze della Chiesa to ensure protection during their stay in Puglia.

Not to be missed

The Pezze della Chiesa locality is a true archaeological park and cultural area fundamental to the history of Italy and the Apennines. In addition to the recently discovered remains of the ancient amphitheater of Teanum Apulum, the chapel of the Madonna di Belmonte is one of the most important stops on Italy's largest sheep-track, the Tratturo Magno Foggia-L'Aquila.

A bit of history

The first settlement in these places dates back to the period at the turn of the 9th-4th centuries BC. It was a Daunian village called Tiati. It was then the Romans who established the municipium Teanum Apulum, concentrated in the plateau between the Church of Civitate to the north and Pezze della Chiesa to the south. The suburbium was occupied both by cemetery areas, as documented by the "Torrione" (funerary mausoleum) and early imperial age cippus and stelae, and by coeval residential-productive units. The medieval fortified settlement, on the other hand, dates back to the 11th century under the name of Civitate, as attested by pottery found near the "Church of Civitate."


From some coins found in the Pezze della Chiesa locality prior to 300 B.C., it is possible to find legends engraved in the Oscan language, a sign of possible settlements there.

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Antonio Caso

Pezze della Chiesa is a priceless place. It is a virtually unique treasure chest of Italic, Roman, Norman, Aragonese Apulian and Apennine history.