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Little Country: Lessinia Orientale

Meet local communities and discover the wonders of this fertile and ancient land

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37030 Vestenanova VR, Italia (504m s.l.m.)


In Elena's account

It is difficult to understand the identity and deep spirit of a place when one does not know it fully. And it is even more complex when an area encompasses a history that finds its origin millions of years ago when, where there are now high pastures and green mountains, there was once a warm tropical sea. This is just a small taste of all that the Eastern Lessinia represents, and I can assure you that if you have the opportunity to experience it all through the eyes of its inhabitants, what you take home is a unique and unforgettable experience.

Piccola Patria: Lessinia OrientaleOverview of the four hamlets of Vestenanova: Vestenanova, Castelvero, Vestenavecchia and Bolca

So what I would like to tell you about is the essence of a broad territory, located at the foot of the fascinating Little Dolomites in the municipalities of Vestenanova and Selva di Progno, but united by a common local history. I am sure that the best way to do this is to accompany you inside the life of the numerous contrade and their people, showing you the succession of landscape views, ancient examples of Cimbrian rural architecture, but also traditional and modern activities.

Piccola Patria: Lessinia OrientaleThe Trombini group of San Bortolo.

To experience the mountain it is necessary to believe in its potential and value. And this is what we, the inhabitants of this area of Eastern Lessinia, do every day: we believe in our land, in the quality food and wine products it offers us, in the old and new traditions that give life and enthusiasm to the contrade, and finally we believe in the value of relationships, between generations but also with visitors. For this reason we invite you to visit us and find us again to discover, at a slow and careful pace, the thousand facets that this area can offer you. After all, how could you say you know so much history with a fleeting visit to this Little Country?

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Elena Corradini

In the national program
Piccole Patrie