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Roccatederighi: a fantastic medieval village

The stones, the rocks and the Maremma


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Where is


58036 Roccatederighi GR, Italia (515m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

On the crest of Mount Sassoforte, a compact collection of stone houses and towers scuffles with the bare volcanic rock, vying for the best position to view the beautiful landscape from here. And what a landscape! We are at an altitude of 535 meters in the province of Grosseto and all around shines the Maremma, with its splendid colors and scents. The village that seems to spring from the rock is Roccatederighi, a little paradise of stones and history.

Why it is special

When you arrive at the entrance to the village, you are greeted by an arched stone gateway, which is all that remains of the walls that once encircled the top of the mountain. Indeed, we are given another clue to the place's past by the houses lined up around the perimeter of Roccatederighi: they are perfectly aligned with each other, almost tracing the fortifications of the castle. Apart from this and a few other traces, the fortress past has now given way to narrow streets, stairways and small squares immersed in the peace, sunshine and breeze of the Maremma.

Don't miss

Wandering among the houses, going from stones to rocks where the boundary between the town and the mountain becomes blurred, sitting and admiring the view are all fantastic experiences, but the month of August offers one more: the Medieval in the Village event , which for three days brings back to life the ancient crafts and atmospheres that reigned supreme at the time of Roccatederighi's castle.

Roccatederighi: un borgo medioevale fantasticoThe village as seen from the rock behind the church

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