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Ruvo del Monte

The serene life of a small village in Lucania.


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Where is


85020 Ruvo del Monte PZ, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Ruvo del Monte is a small Lucanian village in the province of Potenza, in the northwestern part of Basilicata on the border with L'Irpinia. It is the typical Lucanian village that harks back to black-and-white movies and takes us back to our roots. What leaves us breathless is the fascinating scenery of nature taking over from civilization and taking its space with trees, branches and plants surrounding the village and peeking out between the cracks of the town.

Why it is special

Ruvo del Monte can be the ideal place for those who love to get lost in the silence of nature, interrupted by the laughter of children in the small village park and the chatter of elderly ladies in the doorway.

Not to be missed

In Ruvo del Monte of particular note is the production of local wine according to the most traditional procedures using ancient tools. Wine that is the perfect companion to the typical dishes of the Lucanian village. Among the traditional dishes par excellence, we recommend ordering the baked "tortiera," long cavatelli pasta with pumpkin, spelt and sausage, and "cartellate," delicious fried sweets sprinkled with cooked wine, as well as chopped and toasted almonds.

A bit of history

Ruvo boasts a glorious feudal past; in fact, it was ruled by lords and feudal lords. Evidence of this remains in the Angevin Tower and the remains of the castle walls of the castle. The town left this behind only in 1806 with the abolition of feudalism ordered by Joseph Bonaparte. One of the historical events to have particularly marked the town's past is the disastrous earthquake of November 23, 1980, which razed much of the town's heritage, including houses, churches and palaces.


The town was called "Ruvo" until Royal Decree No. 1140 of January 22, 1863; then it drew the specification of "del Monte" from being located on a spur of the mountain above it, to distinguish it from Ruvo di Puglia.

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Marida Sonnessa

In the streets of Ruvo one has the feeling of hearing, even today, the voices of those children, now adults, who ran through the streets to their grandmother's house. Stories of citizens who inhabited this country with pride and love.