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Enrico Romanazzi Trail

An immersion in the nature of Montello


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Where is


Via 18 Giugno, 12, 31040 Santa Maria della Vittoria TV, Italia (360m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is located

The Trail runs from the center of Santa Maria della Vittoria along the Water Valley between Prese XII and XIII to Benzoi Pond. The trail, about 7 kilometers long, is marked by a series of panels that comprehensively describe the fauna and flora of interest and to be protected ecologically and culturally through its "Habitats." The start and finish are at the highest point of Montello: Santa Maria della Vittoria (TV). It is about 30 minutes from Treviso (and an hour from Venice). After leaving your car at the parking lot in front of the church, you will reach the notice board illustrating the route, located in front of the Ex Scuole Elementari (former elementary school), near the Alpini house.

Why it is special

It is a unique place not only because of its beauty, but especially because it is dedicated to the memory of Enrico Romanazzi, a young naturalist researcher and profound connoisseur of Montello, who died prematurely in 2016. Born at the foot of Montello, for him this hill was one of the first places of exploration and research. To him we owe the environmental recovery of as many as 10 wetlands of Montello that are fundamental for the conservation and protection of the environment and the collaboration with the SOS ANFIBI association created for the rescue and protection of these precious animals especially during their reproductive migration. Note along the way a wonderful specimen of white hornbeam: Enchanting the shape of the trunk and branches.

Not to be missed

Benzoi Pond, fed by three springs and meteoric waters, is one of the largest water collections in Montello. Used in the past as a drinking water resource for local residents, today, in addition to being a kind of giant watering hole for birds and mammals and being populated by rich hygrophilous vegetation, it is an indispensable habitat for biodiversity conservation. Among all the species associated with this environment, there is one particular one: that of amphibians. As many as eight species including newts, frogs and toads have chosen this place to breed and lay their eggs, which enliven the pond with millions of tadpoles when they hatch in spring.

A bit of history

On October 12, 2019, the "Romanazzi Trail" was inaugurated in Santa Maria della Vittoria, an important work that lasted a good three years and represents a kind of open encyclopedia on the natural world and ecosystems, and is the brainchild of the Amici Bosco Montello, SOS Amphibians and WWF associations. The project was also shared by the Montebelluna Museum of Natural History and the Crocetta Civic Museum with their humanistic and scientific contributions. Of note is the beautiful oak forest, now recognized and protected by the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) as habitat 91L0 (Illyrian oak forests) and the history of "ROCK"...


About halfway along the trail you will come across a beaten path (these are the Red Lands) and at the junction of two roads at the edge you will notice a hand-crafted block of stone, about fifty centimeters in size and with a rounded head: the Cippo, one of nine hundred to be precise. This, along with the other 899 planted by the Lombardo-Venetians in the early nineteenth century, divided the hill into large areas that made up a total of twenty so-called cutting "holds." According to the laws of the time, each socket was to be cut every twelve years, following a precise rotation pattern to ensure the exploitation of the forest. Today the sockets are no longer plots of woodland, but identify the roads that connect from the north and south the plain with the Montello ridge road.

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Mara Tomietto

Itinerary of Montello's extraordinary biodiversity and protection of its habitats of community interest. Trail dedicated to the young montebellunese naturalist Enrico Romanazzi who died prematurely in 2016.