Wonder  }  Village


Where it is impossible not to feel at home


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Where is


Via Stacciola Villa, 37, 61039 Stacciola PU, Italia (119m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

When you arrive, going up from Fano to the village of Stacciola, you get the impression that time has not taken its course. It may happen that in your short tour silence is the one and only companion. But it is likely that from some window curious eyes follow you until they lose you, pleased with your presence. Just as it is equally possible that you open a door and offer help of any need. The village has a few dozen souls, you will see no stores, only a Recreation Club open occasionally, but after a visit to the Church of St. John the Evangelist, two steps through the village and breathing in the ethereal atmosphere of enchantment, you will awaken from your temporal dimension comforted and pleasantly surprised.

Why it is special

As in an ever-opening book on pages of colorful hills, expanses of verdant meadows, lanes and paths, the eternal spectacle of nature manifests itself , the perfect setting for those who enjoy sports and outdoor activities. Experiencing them on foot, on horseback, or by mountain bike or through sport fishing makes them discover them in an ever new light, exciting and relaxing at the same time. For those who cannot resist the fascination of history, a visit to small churches, springs and wash houses, palaces and castles is a must. Enjoy.

Don't miss

If you are looking for forgotten flavors, head to the Sagra della Crescia, created a few decades ago to continue the work of the ancient wood-burning oven that used to bake bread and now crescia, prepared according to the ancient recipe and now become the identity of this village and a typical regional product. A real invasion the days of the festival, the spaces shrink but the lovers of this greedy food face an endless line to arrive then, more and more eager, to the coveted goal. What one does not do to delight our palate!!! The "crescia" kneaded and cooked all at the moment, is accompanied by other local gastronomic offerings such as "cristaiat" prepared with wheat and corn flour, seasoned with meat sauce. Tradition is served.

A bit of history

The name Stacciola is uncertain and may have originated in a name with strong Lombard connotations (8th century) period of the offensive by Liutprand and Astolfo against the Pentapolis. The most certain reference of the Stacciola castle dates back to 1290 during the war between the people of Fano and Fabriano, which saw the Malatesta seigniory also militarily empower Stacciola. A prominent character from Stacciola was the mercenary captain Nicolò Mauruzi da Tolentino, who was present and victorious in many battles between 1300 and 1400.


Records tell that a public bakery had been in operation in Stacciola since the 1700s that the community used to bake the primary necessity: bread. Some time ago the ingenious idea of having promoted a crescia school course where participants, at the end of the course, taste the crescia prepared by them and thus become repositories and disseminators of this ancient technique. The unmistakable aroma of the vine shoots in bundles burning, combined with the fragrance of the crescia baking, bring a forgotten delicacy back to our taste buds.

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Mauro Giovannini

It is a small hamlet inhabited by a few souls, but the love they have for their home resembles the fire in their oven: it unites us around its warmth and light, giving us beauty, goodness and tradition. What are you waiting for to come in? Come, the door is open

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