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On the trail of the Carbonari

Pursuing an ancient craft


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Via Pasquali Marana, 7, 36070 Pasquali di Marana VI, Italia (800m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

At Contrà Campana, a trattoria in the Marana area marks the beginning of a trail perfect for mountain walkers. The path crosses contrada Pasquali, comes to a ruin and turns left along a path of small ups and downs through the Val Bianca. It then descends under red rocks to Valbona to meet, after a while, a flat rock that offers an ideal vantage point over the valley. Following the red markers, you will finally arrive at Campodalbero.

Why it is special

The trail is clean and well marked. It looks new, and in fact it was recently reopened, thanks to the great work done by the friends of the C.A.I of Arzignano and those of the "Gruppo Strodi" of Crespadoro and Marana. Actually this path was born many years ago, to allow tireless workers to sell what they produced with much patience and effort. This, in fact, was the path of the coal miners who came down to the village from Carbonara carrying their black gold in panniers. Hence the name of the trail: on the trail of the Carbonari.

Not to be missed

With new technologies, ancient crafts are gradually disappearing. This is also the case with the Carbonari. Hard work, theirs, and which today no longer has the importance it once had. In order not to forget local customs, however, the Campodalbero Guarda al Futuro association revives the Carbonara Festival every year, usually in October.


On the mountains of Crespadoro, tall columns of smoke were often seen forming during the production of coal, which was sold by mountain people in the city to earn some money. The time to produce it was very long: about 70 hours from when it was lit, but before that it took a whole year to prepare the place and the wood.

<img src="" alt="charcoal-burners"><span>During the festival - Ph: Campodalbero Look to the Future <a href="" target="_blank">© Source</a></span></div></p><button class="sharry-small mat-mdc-button content__show-preview">See All</button></div>

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SogniAmo Crespadoro

An ancient route, a probable route of the Campodalbero valley dwellers who at that time processed wood into coal and then took it to market via this route.