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Tinnura, an open-air museum

Tradition painted in the country's murals

Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture

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Where is


08010 Tinnura OR, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What is it and where is the village of murals

Tinnura is a town of 241 inhabitants in the province of Oristano. A small town, it has struggled with the difficulties typical of villages like it. But people here have been asking the right question: what to see in Tinnura? And so, in 2001, a project was launched that transformed the small town into an open-air museum, the village of murals.

Why it is special: tradition painted on the walls

The walls of its buildings, arranged on the sides of the main road, are rich in earthy images and colors, true to the tradition and nature of the Sardinian hinterland. The painted scenes depict moments of traditional village life: men and women at work in the fields, festive moments, typical clothing... At times, the characters depicted seem to come to life, and it becomes difficult to tell where the real space ends and the painting begins. Be careful though, art does not stop the walls of houses: have you seen the fountain of Tinnura? It is inspired by the zodiac, a real gem.

Not to be missed even out of season

Tinnura is on the list of towns with murals in Sardinia. Although it is a short distance from the town of Bosa and its coastal resort, Tinnura is an inland village, tied to its traditions and, above all, beautiful in every season. In short, it is the perfect destination for those who want to visit Sardinia without limiting themselves only to its beaches.

A bit of history

The area has been inhabited for a very long time: the first settlements date back to pre-Nuragic times. This is why the surroundings of Tinnura are rich in archaeological evidence, such as the Caddaris Nuraghe.

Fun fact: the patron saint of the village.

If rural culture is well represented in the murals of Tinnura, religious culture should be sought in the churches and festivals of the village. For example, you can visit the church of St. Anne, which is easy to recognize by the red bricks that decorate its facade and bell tower. St. Anne is the patron saint of the village and is celebrated in July, a good time to come and visit Tinnura. But if you want to come out of season, you can wait for the feast of the Blessed Virgin in September, or still choose any other time: the murals of Tinnura are always ready to enchant you.

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