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Todi Festival

The village of Umbria becomes an open-air theater


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06059 Todi PG, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


Between late August and early September, the streets and squares of Todi fill with people and buzz: citizens, tourists and artists, some curious, some impatient, some excited about the upcoming performance, but all hopelessly caught up in the myriad emotions of the Todi Festival.

Art, passion and fantasy

Conceived and founded by Silvano Spada in 1987, today the Todi Festival represents one of Italy's largest cultural events with kermesses of theater, dance, music, visual arts and literature. Over the years, the event has grown bigger and bigger: new spaces, new sections, new ideas, characterizing itself by its continuous tendency to go outside the box with an eye to the past and a focus on the new and experimentation, especially in the field of Italian drama. It is a very lively and dynamic reality that has been the springboard for many young actors, authors and directors. The festival is synonymous with contamination of genres and original cultural proposals, classic texts alongside modern texts, first performances proposed by both Italian and international authors.

todi-festivalConcert in the square in Todi

Art and the village, an indissoluble unicum

Perhaps even more sensational is the fact that all this does not take place behind closed doors in some avant-garde theater, but on the streets of the town, under the open sky or inside churches and palaces symbolic of Todi's history and culture, and this is precisely how the festival has entered deeply into town life, weaving itself right into its social fabric. Todi is indeed the perfect location for such a festival. Just think of Piazza del Popolo, the heart of the city and the event, where concerts and initiatives of the highest caliber take place. But numerous corners of the historic center, such as the steps of the church of San Fortunato, should also not be overlooked, as well as unusual and evocative locations on the immediate outskirts of the town, where the intent is to increase participation and knowledge of the area. The venue of choice, however, remains him: the splendid Teatro Comunale designed by Carlo Gatteschi, with its interior decorated with stucco and frescoes and its curtain depicting the arrival of Ludovico Ariosto in Todi.

chiesa-san-fortunatoThe church of San Fortunato

And if all this still wasn't enough, the Todi Festival offers a range of collateral events at each edition: the "Todi Off" review , masterclasses and workshops related to dance and acting, the "Theater and Critic Lab" and many proposals for those coming from outside: guided tours, tastings, exceptional openings of museums, libraries, churches, stores and palaces, to allow you to experience Todi at 360 degrees.

Innovation, research, and contaminations are the ingredients of the cultural offerings of the Todi Festival, with the entire village welcoming hospitable this incessant ferment, this vital energy, in the joy of sharing it with whoever shows up at its door.

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