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Triora, the Village of Witches

In the Ligurian Alps, the perfect place for witches


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Where is


18010 Triora IM, Italia (838m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Leading us into the heart of the medieval village is a long tree-lined avenue directly overlooking the landscape drawn by the angular lines of the peaks of the Upper Argentina Valley in the Ligurian Alps National Park. High above, the circular stone tower of the medieval castle stands like a beacon. But it is to the southeast of the historic center that we find the Cabotina, an ancient cottage that, according to legend, was inhabited by the "baggiure"...

Why it is special

The ghostly branches of the trees accompany our gaze in this corner of the village, not surprisingly the most scenic. From up here there is a wonderful view of the town of Molini di Triora, located in the basin about 350 meters below, and its mountain hamlets of Corte and Andagna poised on rocky spurs. We take the steep cliffside path that leads into the Kingdom of the Witches, the "baggiure" in fact, as they call them in the local dialect.

Not to be missed

If you really want to breathe in the surreal atmosphere in the haunted village, you cannot miss "the longest night, the biggest fire, the most awaited event": Triora Samhain Halloween, between October 31 and November 1. It starts with exploring the Cabotina, the place where, according to tradition, witches gathered in the dark of night. And then a propitiatory ritual with a large fire lit in the middle of the square, to drive away malice and negative thoughts, in the hope of a brighter future. A return to the past that will put you in touch with an arcane dimension, now unknown to most and almost totally lost: that of magic.

A bit of history

There are many historical documents dating back to the 16th century that bear witness to one of the most controversial witchcraft trials that occurred in Italy during the period of the Witch Hunt. Between 1587 and 1589, it appears that at least 30 women were tried-absolutely summarily and unfairly-and subsequently sentenced to death. Today, the Cabotina re-enacts with a number of performances the terrible tortures these women endured during their imprisonment.


In Triora, the evocative Regional Ethnographic and Witchcraft Museum evokes the life of the village, marked by the rhythms of nature: work in the fields, the cycle of milk, wine and chestnut... Then, in the darkness of the underground dungeons, it reconstructs the terrible witch trials.

Triora, il Borgo delle StregheChurch of San Bernardino (15th cent.)

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