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Vigoleno, a plunge into the Middle Ages

On the slopes of Colle Santo Stefano is the fortified complex of Vigoleno, one of the most fascinating medieval villages in Italy

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Where is


29010 Vigoleno PC, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is Vigoleno

The village of Vigoleno, almost unknown until recently, is located close to the Via del Sale, coming from Salsomaggiore and along a branch of the Via Francigena, in a beautiful hilly area covered with vineyards . It is entered by passing through the crenellated walls of the ravelin, a sort of trap for enemies who, having passed the first gate, remained imprisoned in a narrow space, without being able to pass the second one, that of the drawbridge.

Why it is special: the interior of the castle

Beyond the second gate is the delightful little square dominated by the keep, with its beautiful gray stone houses, 16th-century fountain and outdoor tables. Climbing the keep one finds oneself on a splendid panoramic terrace where the view sweeps over the landscape. Following the patrol walkway you reach the south tower from which you access the castle's main floor. The castle is private, but some rooms can be visited and are worth seeing, such as the beautiful Red Room with a remarkable coffered ceiling and a grandiose fireplace adorned with statues and scrolls, and the fascinating smallest theater in the world, with only twelve seats.

Not to be missed: the little church of St. George

Back outdoors, it is a must to pass by the small Romanesque church of St. George, with its mighty bell tower and beautiful apse with loggia supported by telamons. On the facade a bas-relief shows the saint on horseback piercing the dragon. The simple and austere interior, lit only through narrow windows covered with alabaster slabs, preserves 15th-century frescoes, the one in the apse again depicting St. George. Powerful and barbaric are the capitals.

Curiosity: the museum of the bears.

Then in Vigoleno we find a singular museum, unique in Europe, that collects relics and evidence of the life of the Orsanti, peddlers who were musicians, puppeteers, often with trained animals, but also sellers of magical ointments or miraculous syrups. There are large papier-mâché bears, unusual musical instruments, costumes, and everyday objects that illustrate the story of real people, originally from the valleys around, who traveled all over Europe with their wagons to earn their bread.

A bit of history

The castle dates back to the 10th century, but it was rebuilt in 1389 by the Scotti family, which held it until 1922 when it passed into the hands of Princess Maria Ruspoli, a Roman noblewoman who made it a social and cultural center of attraction and had the little theater built. The church, on the other hand, is from the 12th century. The town has been part of Italy's Most Beautiful Villages since 2002.

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