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Widescreen - When mountains act in movies

SharryLand supports independent filmmaking.

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Where is

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Alpi Carniche, 33020 Rigolato UD, Italia (3,408m s.l.m.)


This film is not there yet, but it will begin like this: Luca, an assistant director, finds himself casting in a small mountain village, looking for "real" faces for the next film of his master, the elderly director Selmi. Time is running out, the master is uncontactable. Things get complicated when the main character gives up and the only woman who could replace her vanishes into thin air, as if she never existed....

And here is a turning point. Out of his context, alone with himself, Luke seems to lose his masks. The forest, the mountain, the weather, lay him bare, seem to beckon him... The search becomes more and more arduous...

For Luca, the search for faces for the film quickly turns into an inner search

But we say no more, because we hope to see this film with you on the big screen soon. That's why we invite you to find out about the project on Eppela and participate in crowdfunding: as Eppela says, "the future is made in many" and Michele Banzato, author and director of Widescreen, with a long experience in filmmaking behind him, knows well that films are always a collective work.

The funds raised will be used to research the most suitable locations for the story, to complete the screenplay, co-written by Michele Banzato and Giovanni Galavotti and the storyboard by Antonio Menin. And they will allow to participate in calls, competitions and pitches, to find a producer.

What if the obstacles Luca encounters are not dictated by chance?

We at SharryLand have a passion for cinema, especially for those films where nature is not content to be a backdrop but becomes an integral part of the story and dialogues with the protagonists; and for those films that are born from a seemingly impossible dream and slowly, with tenacity, become reality. Like Widescreen.

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Michele Banzato

June 20, 2020